A man in a white robe is holding a bible in front of a cross.

Schedule-Our weekly service is held at 10 AM each Sunday in the Parish Hall.

Altar Servers—Ellie Bunting (reader, chalice); Bob Bunting (chalice); Kathy Leson (reader, chalice); Ross Miller (reader); Judy Haataja (chalice); Jacki Sarullo (chalice, reader); Mary Ann Gee (reader); John Gee (reader, chalice).

Altar Guild—Judy Haataja, Paula Babcock, Jacki Sarurillo, Grace Workman, Morey Nakaya

Music –Kathleen Pignatti, Charles—

Pastoral Care

Prayer Ministry- In the past, St. Raphael’s offered prayer ministry during the Sunday Eucharist. After receiving Holy Communion, those who wished could go to designated prayer ministers and ask for prayer for healing, strength, guidance, help for others or whatever else was on their heart or mind. The prayer minister would then pray briefly with the person, asking for God’s direction and help. We lost this practice in the confusion following Hurricane Ian. The Bishop’s Council has asked Father Michael to reestablish this practice, and he is glad to do so. Father Michael will begin a training for those interested in this ministry which he hopes to have in place before Easter.


After Hurricane Ian, St. Raphael’s sponsored a healing opportunity for those suffering from the storm’s effects. Voices from the Storm was held at Diamondhead Resort and gave residents a time to talk about their experiences and receive counseling if needed. This year, we held a Blue Christmas service for people who need support during the holiday season. We plan to continue these programs and to add more outreach in the future.

A group of people are sitting in chairs in front of an american flag.

Endowment - An endowment is being planned for the future.

Stewardship -  Our stewardship program is presently underway as we are preparing our budget for 2025. Mary Ann Gee has been the stewardship chair and has been trying to reconstruct our mailing list which was lost in the storm. Give Today Click Here

Columbarium - St. Raphael’s is proud of our Memorial Garden located behind the church. This includes our Columbarium as well as plaques honoring those who have been buried at sea and those whose lives were lost during Hurricane Ian.

Lectionary -CLICK HERE to hear inspiring messages from Fr Rowe

Videos -  CLICK HERE to view videos of recent services.

We record our services on Sunday so you can view them if you cannot attend in person.

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